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One day while I was telling stories to my three girls I decided that I was going to start writing the stories instead of just telling them.
One of the stories I wrote is named "Kim & the Witch's Tomb" ISBN#: 1-4137-0850-1.
I didn't have any idea where I would find a publisher who would be willing to publish this book because it was so short. The book is only 48 pages long and I felt no one would be interested in it.
One day while I was surfing the internet I came across a publisher who stated they would publish a book for anyone so I decided to give them a try. The publisher did accept my book and put it on the market.
When they told me that my book had been released, I was so excited and felt that I had finally accomplished something in life. It wasn't until I received a copy of my book that all of my dreams had been shattered. The publisher's name was PublishAmerica.com.

Here is part of the story

     On a snow covered farm road 15-year-old Kim skipped along thinking about how she and her friend Jane were going to sneak into the cemetery after nightfall. Her golden hair blowing in the freezing breeze was tipped with ice and the scarf wrapped around her little face was all that kept her nose warm. She could already see the 2-story farmhouse down the frost covered road just 100 yards in front of her. The closer she got to the house the faster she would step until she began to run at a slow pace. The excitement was too much for her and she just couldn't wait to find out what Jane was planning.
     Knock, knock, knock. The door was so cold that it hurt her knuckles as she banged them against it. What does Jane have in mind for tonight? Why did she call and ask me to come over and what did she have planned at the cemetery tonight? she thought to herself. As the door slowly creaked open She wondered if this was just a joke or some odd trick that Jane was going to pull on one of the boys at school who would always tease her.

This publisher made all kind of promises concerning my book and I felt that they did a lousy job.
My book should have been formated as a small paper back with twice the number of pages that it has. It is a very nice story but when people see the book itself, they are discouraged from even buying it.
If it had been formated properly then it would have sold very well at a much lower price than PublishAmerica placed on it.
I submitted my next book to this publisher before I realized just how bad they are.
I can't wait to see how they do with that one.
I will keep you up to date as to how the book turns out.

Well, PublishAmerica screwed me again. They succeeded to do another lousy job with my newest book "Monster Fables".
If you are looking for a free publisher then I would suggest that you do not use PublishAmerica.com!
You can find my book on their page or Amazon.com and many other places on the web. Just type Monster Fables into a search box and see where you can find my book for the cheapest price.

If you wish to purchase any of my books I have had published, just click on the link to the left and enter the ISBN number in their search box. Please don't be discouraged by it's outer cover and format. The story is very good and worth reading.

PublishAmerica and Amazon are both trying to sell "Kim & the Witch's Tomb" to you for $12 - $13. I have the original manuscript and will sell it to you for $5. All you have to do is send me an email requesting it and I will send it either by email or I can send it to your address. Please allow enough time if you want it to be sent to your address and add postage when you send money order or check. You can also use PayPal.

Thank you
David Tyrrell


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